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Manor Lodge ranked as Top 1000 Nursing Home

Home news

The team at Manor Lodge were delighted to hear that we have been ranked in the Top 1000 care homes (with nursing) 2012.

Top 1000 Care Homes (with nursing) lists the top 1000 ranked nursing homes in the UK based on the opinion of those that counts the most – the relatives and friends of residents.

Relatives and residents of relatives across the UK completed an online feedback form which asks them to rate their loved one’s nursing home on 14 criteria covering topics such as attitude of staff, cleanliness, quality of food and activities.

The 1000 nursing homes awarded the most marks make the Top 1000 list which is compiled by independent company, Searchline.

Searchline said: “This continuous feedback, all of which is checked by our researchers, enables us to produce a list of nursing homes that is extremely accurate and reliable, for those looking for a nursing home in their locality that comes with a recommendation from the residents, or more usually, friends and relatives.”

The Registered Care Providers Association said “Great to see this list... It's good to see good news in amongst all the negative stuff we see in the news so thank you.”


Open to new residents

Manor Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0EP

Manor Lodge

CQC Rating: Outstanding
  • Residential care
  • Dementia care
  • Nursing care
  • Respite care
  • End of life care
  • Nursing dementia care
  • Day club

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